Dave shares his Orro experiences with us

We are honoured to have built our community of Orro riders. Our Orro riders are dedicated, impressive athletes with stories to share. All our bikes are built and designed in Britain, for you. This is why we love hearing your experiences with your Orro bike. We were lucky enough to talk to Dave, and get him to share his story. 

Dave's trip to Flanders

I purchased my Orro in October '22. Its the ETAP version in black gloss and gold. I love its looks, the frame is a beautiful design, and the colour scheme takes me back to the retro F1 Lotus cars which I loved! I also loved the idea of supporting a British brand that many people dont know about. It gets a lot of respectful looks and many people ask about it. Its an impressive machine. I even bought the matching Orro jacket!

The first was in June, during the heat wave. Myself and a cycling mate travelled over to Flanders to take on the cobbled hills of the Flandrian Challenge. This amazing ride is done over three days, and takes on all 59 of the famous 'berg' climbs, many of which are cobbled. The total distance is around 270 miles, and when the heat was taken into account, it was quite a challenge indeed! After a few navigation issues, we finally made it back to the Cycling Museum in Oudenaarde with 30 minutes to spare to provide our proof of completion, and gained our names on miniature cobbles on the museum wall! Touch and go, but we made it! 

One amazing moment during the ride came on day one. As we set off for the day with the sun rising, I saw another bikes shadow passing me, and an English accent saying 'Nice bike mate!'. I was surprised to see a fellow Brit riding on another Orro Veturi, in a stunning red colour! We both loved the bikes and had found them perfect for the Flandrian Challenge, and decided to stick together for the remaining 100 miles of that day. There is a photo of both bikes leaning against the wall of the Church at the top of the Muur climb. An amazing coincidence and great to meet a fellow Orro owner. The bikes gearing made the climbs really manageable, and the bike was flawless over the three days, even when covered in the hot road dust.

Dave's Wimeraux ride

Trip number two was over to Wimeraux, near Boulogne in France. This was a short family holiday in August '23. We drove over and I took the Venturi, as I wanted to re-visit some of the areas where I had run an ultra-marathon a couple of times before. The roads there were fantastic. In the evenings, the coastal roads were empty. The drivers in France respect cyclists, so all of the tension that can often be present on UK roads was gone. I was blessed with some of the most amazing sunsets I have ever seen, and the photos in the Wimeraux, France folder demonstrate this very well. I was on a full speed sprint back to our holiday home, and I came around a bend on the coastal road to see this stunning view over the sea. I had to make a serious decision - do I abandon the Stava segment I was about to top for the day, or stop to take a photo? The photo won - it would have been a crime not to!

The bike was EPIC on this trip. The roads are flowing, undulating, and allow you to keep the speed up at all times. It felt like it was flying!